Globalist gun grabbers at the United Nations see firearms in the hands of law-abiding citizens as a threat to their goal of imposing full-scale socialism around the globe; and
As part of their radical "Small Arms Treaty", the United Nations has admitted they want all firearm transfers to ultimately fall under their approval - and firearms manufacturers to be sued if firearms fall into the wrong hands; and
The country of Mexico is a signer of the U.N.'s "Small Arms Treaty"; and
Mexico has filed a lawsuit against Smith & Wesson, blaming them for Mexico's failure to control drug cartels; and
The Constitution of the United States must be defended against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
I urge the U.S. Supreme Court to immediately dismiss Mexico's case and make it clear that NO FOREIGN ENTITY will ever have standing to file lawsuits related to our Second Amendment freedoms in U.S. courts.